Journal of Water Engineering and Management

( International Peer-reviewed Journal )

Hydrodynamics and Siltation Study using MIKE 21 for Proposed Channel on South of Ennore , Chennai , Tamil Nadu

Aloki 1 , V. K. Shukla 2 , Ajai. Singh 3

1 M. Tech student, Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, India, Corresponding author Email:

2 Scientist-C, PH-II Division, CW&PRS, Pune

3 Professor, Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India

Received on: April 10, 2023
Revised on: April 26 2023
Accepted on: April 31, 2023



In the Coastal region, the ports have become an important part of the development of the Coastal Region.In the study hydrodynamics and Siltation at the south of Ennore port. In the Coastal region, the ports orharbour has become an important part of the development of the coastal Region. In which many factorsare important such as constructing the jetties, Breakwater, etc Due to the drastic change in the water manyissues have been occurred such as siltation, sedimentation, Erosion, high water level etc. In this study, achannel has been proposed in the south of Ennore port for the development of the coastal region. Becausethe depth near the port is not sufficient for the huge ships to enter the port. Due to which the Economicaspect of Ennore Chennai gets affected. It was also being observed the change in the depth near the portdue to the proposed channel. In this study, a -10m channel has been proposed in the Ennore port by theprocess of dredging. Due to which the total bed thickness changed slightly to about 0.5 m. Otherparameters such as surface Elevation, Current Speed, SSC (Suspended Sediment Concentration) has beenslightly changed. And for Mud Transport result there is slightly different in the siltation in the all fourpoints in the Ennore port. Before the dredging, it is slightly high after dredging it is reduced. For furtherstudies, it can be done at the port by taking different depths and calculating the seabed for dredging andwill provide us accurate Solution.


Keywords: C-map, Hydrodynamics (HD), Flow model (FM), Simulations, Bed thickness, Dredging.


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