Evaluation of the Efficiency of Water Discharge using the Performance Indicator, in the Canals of the Nashik Irrigation Network

Sandeep P. Deshmukh*, Prasit G. Agnihotri
Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat –395 007,India.
*Corresponding author Email id: sandeep.deshmukh54@gmail.com

Received on: January 15, 2022, Acceptance on: March 23, 2022, Published on: April 30, 2022


In western India, the water for irrigation is supplied by the open inundation channels of the reservoirhaving its predominant distribution there. The Irrigation management faces issues of less capacitatedwater distribution systems than its apex requirement, has irregular supply rate, low inundation efficiency,and consistency. It is important to measure the delivered water supply with required water delivery inproportion to its demand. The auto water elevated gauges which are fixed at the back and front segmentsof each inundation canal at the left bank channel of the Godavari river assess the discharge of suppliedwater during the irrigation period. In the current research, the computation would be conducted for thewater delivery performance indicators such as competency, productivity, prominence, and rectitude,which are fundamental for the assessment of the irrigation and drainage system management. Accordingto the water supply performance indicator, the inundation ability is calculated with an automatic watergauge. It is measured from the structural and transient channeling of water discharge to examine theinefficiency of water supply management. The cumulative results of the performance indicatordemonstrate the enhanced methods to develop water management policies that will facilitate theirrigation planners with improved temporal consistency and reasonable water distribution.

Keywords: Irrigation canals, performance indicator, water distribution, irrigation network.

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